When I think of the word soft I think of babies and everything that we surround them with. Their skin, hair and smell right after a bath.
I think of my Great-Grandmother Hixson and how I could just lean against her (she didn't have much of a lap) and feel at peace. As she got older her eyesight got worse so I would take her for walks. I remember taking this responsibility so seriously because I loved her so much and she was very fragile. One day we went for a short walk and she tripped over a curb. I tried so hard to keep her upright without dislocating her arm. She did skin her knee a bit but laughed it off and we continued our walk. I was so traumatized by that experience. Her skin had gotten so soft and fragile that you could feel her bones right through her skin.

I love the feel of chenille and other yarns that are so luxurious and expensive! How about an old quilt or pair of sheets that has been washed hundreds of times. I love just laying there and enjoying the softness. Strangly I'm not a big fan of silk or some of those fabrics that snag so easily. Since I don't like to wear shoes my feet are a bit calloused and I'm always snagging fabrics like that so I pretty much avoid them on bedding. Clothing is fine but I'm more comfortable in a warm cozy sweater or soft cotton blouse and jeans.

Soft also reminds me of tender words spoken to our drowsy children or our sweethearts. Soft means so many different things.
Soft was the word I used to help my children learn how to handle their baby brothers or animals. I would tell them that we need to be soft with them, take their little hand and help them softly stroke the puppy or baby. I would then praise them a lot. Eventually they learned and then they unlearned it as they wrestled with their brothers and played sports! Fortunately they remembered this lesson in situations that require it. Parenthood can be so hard to try to figure out!

Soft is also a word that brings back the smell of my Grandma Sorensen's perfume. When she would hug me or was near I loved that smell. It was so femanine and soft. I think she wore Tigress, which has been discontinued for years. Too bad, it smelled so good.

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